Life Together Lenten Series

Sundays March 9 thru April 13, 9:30 a.m. | Sign up for this series as we dive into Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s "Life Together," exploring Christian community through scripture. Enhance your journey with the "40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer" devotional. Our Learning Hour focuses on discussion of Life Together and, as time permits, the devotional.
Please select one option.
This Lenten series uses two resources: “Life Together” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer ($11/ea) and “40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer” ($13/ea). Both resources are recommended for a more complete Lenten experience. You will need a copy of the “Life Together” book. Pastor Kathy has pre-ordered 30 copies of both resources which can purchased by credit card or ACH/checking/debit. Pastor Kathy will also accept cash or check on Sunday mornings.
Please select one option.
Purchase Resources - No Credit Card

Only complete this section if you are NOT using a credit card. 

Choose the number resources needed.

To pay by ACH/Debit/Bank Account: Go to and enter your total purchase ammount as a one-time gift. Follow the prompts to complete your payment and indicate "Lenten Books" in the comments field.

To pay via check/cash: Make checks payable to Resurrection Lutheran Church and indicate "Lenten Books" in the memo line and bring the check to Pastor Kathy.

After completing payment, see Pastor Kathy to pick up your books.
Please select one option.
Purchase Resources by Credit Card

Please note: This Breeze form accepts credit cards as payment. After completing this form, see Pastor Kathy to pick up your books. If you would prefer to pay via check, cash, or ACH/checking/debit, please skip ahead and complete the Purchase Resources - No Credit Card section below.


Sundays March 9 thru April 13, 9:30 a.m.
Sign up for this series as we dive into Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s "Life Together," exploring Christian community through scripture. Enhance your journey with the "40-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer" devotional. Our Learning Hour focuses on discussion of Life Together and, as time permits, the devotional.